On behalf of the DeKalb County Democratic Party, I would like to thank Ben Jarovsky, Dennis, Antonio, Steve, and WCPT 820AM/92.5FM~DeKalb for coming out yesterday for a live DeKalb Cornfest broadcast from the House Cafe. It was a lot of fun, I would never have believed that three hours could go so fast and yet pack in so much. I would also like to thank Pepe and the staff of the House for being such wonderful hosts. Our members of Labor who turned out also deserve our heartfelt thanks in this year when all of Labor’s hard fought gains are at stake. Of course the broadcast would not have happened without our 14th District Democratic State Central Committeeman Peter Janko. Peter’s hard work and persistence kept everything on track, thank you Peter. I would also like to thank Mark Pietrowski our County  Board Chair and our Mayor Jerry Smith for giving Ben a warm welcome to the city & county of DeKalb.

The members of our Democratic Party Executive Committee who played a role, whether they were able to be present or not, also deserve thanks.

Vice Chair JJ Wett

Treasurer Misty Haji-Sheikh

Secretary Colette Maher

Committee Chairs

Communications Josh Orr

Events Andre Williams

Fundraising Rukisha Crawford

Political Affairs Steve Kapitan

Whether or not they were able to participate in the WCPT broadcast yesterday, I would also like to thank all of our great Democratic candidates running in this crucial election year.

DeKalb County Board

District 1 Fred Hall

District 2 JJ Wett

District 3 Nate Johnson

District 4 Steve Faivre

District 5 Linda Slabon

District 6 Rukisha Crawford

District 7 Scott Campbell

District 8 Dave Rathke

District 9 Jim Luebke

District 10 Sue Willis

District 11 Court Schuett

County Clerk &Recorder

Carolyn Morris

Regional Superintendent of Schools (incumbent)

Amanda Christensen

County Treasurer

Liliana Orozco

Illinois State House

District 70 Paul Stoddard

District 90 Amy Davis

Illinois State Senate

District 45 Dave Simpson

US House

14th District Lauren Underwood

16th District Sara Dady

Ben asked so many great questions about how we have grown our Democratic Party out here in DeKalb County and how we work with Chair Madigan & the larger Party in the state of Illinois.

I would just like to repeat that while great leadership, candidates, and elected officials both past and present, can inspire and help guide our Democratic Party; it is the Precinct Committee People, rank and file Democrats, and all those who don’t yet realize that they are Democrats who have done and continue to do the hard work of building our Party and in turn helping build our more perfect Union.

Thank you all,

Jim Luebke


DeKalb County Democratic Party